Gen. Info
As the main page says, I'm Sunalyze. (I'm redoing this redo of a carrd LOL) That's why it looks really different lol
You could use any pronouns i suppose, I'm not too big on them, sorry. Also, before going into anything else, the only names I will take is Suna, Lyze, or just my username. Suna is pronounced as it is on my pronouns page. Only unless you find one you like and we're close, then don't use any other nicknames.
extra info
I don't exactly like it when you:1. Throw around words that are rude / harmful about certain people like they're a term and a insult.2. Make a joke something you use over and over again (call me weak, but everyone has their limits)3. Are like some sort of weirdo / weird around me. Like I can chill out with ppl just don't be weird about it ok (yes this includes things like peds n stuff)4. The reason I don't like the nickname Sun is because it brings back bad memories. If you know, you most likely are / were involved in the problem. (There are a few exceptions)
Hopefully we can get along just fine!!!